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Buenos Dias, I am learning after a few months of experience in handling a pre-packaged website (one using a site-builder, that does all the code after you select from a few options ), now moving into the phase of wishing to design my own...without the constraints and limitations imposed by the ..'pre-set' templates. I know this sounds rather silly, but I am having problems finding "HOW TO USE A PHOTO OR IMAGE FOR THE BACKGROUND of a WEBPAGE". I can change background color with ease, but I wish to do three things with backgrounds. First, I wish to use a patterned design, second, I would like to learn about tiling of images in background, and third, I hope to conquer my lack of knowledge regarding installing borders along a page.<br />
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I hope to get some assistance here, as the replies I have seen so far to other posts, seem to be very informative. <br />
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Gracias, Mig<!--content-->Hola TheSpaniard,<br />
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Bien Venidos a HTML Forums :)<br />
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Since you are asking a question I will transfer this thread to an appropriate category.<br />
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Buena suerte<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thank you for the shift Kevin,<br />
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I was not certain if my questions properly went to HTML Layout... or for Graphics and Clip-Art.<br />
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To all those that post replies, I have to tell you, I have so far found answers to 4 other questions that had perplexed me in the past. I am finding this area a most excellent learning tool.<!--content-->As far as using an image for the background, its just basic HTML code:<br />
<br />
<BODY background="xxxxx"><br />
<br />
where "xxxxx" is the URL or the path to your image file, something like:<br />
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<BODY background="images/frog.gif"><br />
<BODY background="HTTP://"><br />
<br />
Here is the results of a google search for using background images on web pages: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... gle+Search</a><!-- m --><br />
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You can also use style tags for better control of a background image. Here is a link that will show you the options you have using style/CSS: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... background</a><!-- m --><br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thank you ... I found that information to be right on the spot. Starting to try to write my own code is frustrating a bit when trying to learn all the small details. The review of the sites from Google was less than momentous, since most of them were broken links, or simply operating instructions to use a pic as the background in a commercial webpage design program.<br />
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I did find a lot of good info on this topic at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and I now have posted my very first pic, as a background for the opening page to my site. I have more questions, but I think I'll study more before asking them in the forum.<!--content-->more sites like HTMLgoodies here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->