More font problems


Hello! I am still having embedded font problems. I installed the WEFT application, but am still not getting the tinkertoy font on any computer except mine. This is because I am the only one in my department to have installed the file. Does anyone know what else I can do to rectify this???<br />
Thanks<br />
~~~Nicole~~~<!--content-->As far as I know, if YOU are the only person with the tinkertoy will be the only person who will see the proper would have to install/give the font to the other machines viewing the website...if not the brower will default to the next available font. <br />
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Your other option could be to make your text an image and than anyone could see it, but than if it was too big you could run into longer wait times for loading. (but if its small, why not)<!--content-->Nicole, <br />
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In order to get WEFT to work right, you have to use HTML 4.01 Strict and then specify your fonts with Style Sheets. There's a WEFT board over there at Microsoft and I expect that you can find better help there. <br />
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petrocan, <br />
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One can also embed the fonts, which is what Nicole is trying to do.<!--content-->as usual, thank you SO MUCH charles!<!--content-->