More concise way to check to see if an array contains only numbers (integers)


New Member
How do you verify an array contains only values that are integers?I'd like to be able to check an array and end up with a boolean value of \[code\]true\[/code\] if the array contains only integers and \[code\]false\[/code\] if there are any other characters in the array. I know I can loop through the array and check each element individually and return \[code\]true\[/code\] or \[code\]false\[/code\] depending on the presence of non-numeric data:For example:\[code\]$only_integers = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);$letters_and_numbers = array('a',1,'b',2,'c',3);function arrayHasOnlyInts($array){ foreach ($array as $value) { if (!is_int($value)) // there are several ways to do this { return false; } } return true;}$has_only_ints = arrayHasOnlyInts($only_integers ); // true$has_only_ints = arrayHasOnlyInts($letters_and_numbers ); // false\[/code\]But is there a more concise way to do this using native PHP functionality that I haven't thought of?Note: For my current task I will only need to verify one dimensional arrays. But if there is a solution that works recursively I'd be appreciative to see that to.