Modify webpage using content frm Text File


Hi all, I'm working on a website that has a feedback form.
I am trying to add the contents of a textfile (.txt) onto parts of the content on the form. How can I do this?Sorry but I can't quite understand what you are trying to do could you be a little more clear? Thanks.Sorry about not giving a clear picture.

I have some numbers stored in a text file (e.g. data.txt) and I want these numbers to appear on a form when it gets loaded.

I think I might have posted this thread in the wrong place though.

Is this possible to do through html? Or do I need asp?

I'm a novice at both of these languages but I'm the best person my boss has got. :)yes, only asp will do it.

actually any serverside langue wil do it but if you prefer asp then that will work.

I will move this to the serverside forum.