Modern alternative to Dreamweaver dynamic applications?


New Member
When I first started in web development 10 years ago, we used Dreamweaver to product database driven applciations rapidly. This was in the classic ASP days, and we were using Access as the database layer. We would rapidly be able to build out a data driven application where our designer would handle the design layer using Dreamweaver templates and CSS / HTML, and then the devs would be able to use the dreamweaver dynamic website support to produce a web application that was capable of all your basic CRUD operations. Dreamweaver made this every easy to work with database data. We would then use this as a prototype, and if the client bought, we'd move it to an n-tier app.What would be a good modern day equivalent of that? If I wanted to throw together an application that supported CRUD applications against a database, and had support for a GUI that made the HTML5 and CSS stuff for my designer easy to do - where should I go?Would it even be worth my time to look into Dreamweaver's modern day support of this sort of thing? eg. maybe using a php and mysql pairing?Or am I better looking at somethign like ASP.NET dynamic data over in Microsoft land?At the end of the day I'm looking for rapid prototyping and development of a CRUD based database app, with really good GUI and WYSIWYG support, or at least a way for my web designer (who isn't code savvy) to easily own the UI part of the project.