Mod_perl And .htaccess Configuration(s)

I was speaking with TCH tech support a few weeks ago about some addition apache handlers written in perl that I would really like to use on my site (stuff like the enhanced pretty-indexing, sound file indexing with built-in psuedo streaming, and maybe even Apache::ASP) and although I can understand why they wouldn't want to maintain such packages, I was asking if I could install them locally on my TCH account since I run a very similar linux box as a development server.<br /><br />Problem is, that in order to utilize locally installed Apache handlers in perl, the apache server needs to include the directory for the handers in the perl @INC variable prior to the PerlHandler definition. Normally, on a server install, you would include such information in through a PerlRequire call from the main httpd.conf files. I don't believe the PerlRequire works in a .htaccess context.<br /><br />The alternative documented on the site for .htaccess configurations is to insert a 'use lib (/some/path/to/libs); command inside of a <perl></perl> block in the .htaccess file. I tried both (PerlRequire and <perl>use lib...</perl> and they both returned errors.<br /><br />I tried contacting the TCH live support to see if they disabled the mod_perl support for <perl></perl> blocks in .htaccess but they referred me to here. Does anyone know how/if I can configure local Perl based Apache handlers using configuration options in the .htaccess file?<br /><br />Kathy Lynn<!--content-->