mod_auth_mysql passthrough?


New Member
I'm got mod_auth_mysql working just fine EXCEPT I need to keep supporting users with the mod_auth module as well.

In theory setting auth_mysql to Authoritative NO means that if there's not a user of identical name in the database the module will pass along the request w/o handling it and the mod_auth should then test to see if it can satisfy the login.

In reality this doesn't happen. If I don't turn on auth_mysql in a Directory entry the mod_auth stuff works fine. If I turn it on the users in the mysql database can log in fine... but users in the old .htpasswd file can't.

Is anyone successfully using this configuration? My examination of the .c file seems to indicate it should be fine but endless fiddling with httpd.conf and .htaccess haven't resulted in a working congiguration yet. If you have one I'd be delighted to see your entries. Please?

(And to save you the trouble - moving to a 100% mysql access control would necessitate converting a LOT of 3rd party scripts and I'd just as soon avoid that...)