Here you go bud.
gWoWRoster is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to display multiple guild rosters for World of Warcraft.
- Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
- Multiple guild support
- Usergroup access to roster
- Unified profilefield compatible with gWoWEvents and gWoWChar
- Currently requires cURL
- Download the latest version and upload all files.
- Install the product.
- Create a Multiple-Line Text Box User Profile Field.
- /admincp/?loc=profilefield.php%3Fdo%3Dadd
- Multiple-Line Text Box
- Continue
- Title: World of Warcraft Characters
- Description: Code:
Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen
- Default Value: Leave Blank
- Max length of allowed user input: 1000
- Field Length: 50
- Text Area Height: 6
- Field Editable by User: Yes
- Other options are optional.
- Save
- Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
- Fill in the gWoWRoster configuration options.
- That is all.
v1.0.14 - upload cron.gwowroster.guildinfo.php, import product with overwrite enabled.
v1.0.13 - upload class_gwowarmory.php, cron.gwowroster.charinfo.php, cron.gwowroster.guildinfo.php, import product with overwrite enabled.
- Quick fix for 3.1 armory changes.
v1.0.12 - upload gwowroster.php, cron.gwowroster.charinfo.php, import product with overwrite enabled.
- Fixed special characters in player names. Thanks Bumpaneer.
v1.0.11 - upload gwowroster.php, external icons, import product with overwrite enabled.
- Fixed level 80 avatars
- Fixed scheduled task database error
- Added link per user
v1.0.9 - import product with overwrite enabled.
- Update for be.imba and wowheroes, new options to specify levels the links are active.
v1.0.8 - Upload all files, import product with overwrite enabled.
v1.0.5 - import product with overwrite enabled.
- Fix for armory light link.
v1.0.4 - Upload functions_gwowroster.php, import product with overwrite enabled.
- Fix for divide by zero error.
- Display throbber for talents scheduled to be imported.
v1.0.3 - Upload all files, import product with overwrite enabled.
- Fixed some urls to external sites
- Added options to display external liks to wowjutsu and wowprogress.
- Updated WoW Juju's icon to their current favicon
- Should* now be able to use kr/cn/tw armorys in addition to us and eu.
v1.0.2 - Upload all files, import product with overwrite enabled.
- Some style tweaks
- Added options to display external liks to sites like, and more.
v1.0.1 - Upload all files import product.
gWoWEvents is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to add World of Warcraft event sign ups to your forum calendar.
- Allows your users to enter multiple servers and characters
- Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
- Links icons to wiki.
- Choose calendar to use
- Limit use by usergroup
- Multiple server support
- Shows extended character data, skills, talents.
- Some features translated for French and German
- Character data is fetched by cron so calendar doesn't suffer slowdown
- Templated so you can direct links somewhere other than the Armory if you wish.
- Unified profilefield compatible with gWoWRoster and gWoWChar
- Download the latest version and upload all files.
- Install the product.
- Create a Multiple-Line Text Box User Profile Field.
- /admincp/?loc=profilefield.php%3Fdo%3Dadd
- Multiple-Line Text Box
- Continue
- Title: World of Warcraft Characters
- Description: Code:
Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen
- Default Value: Leave Blank
- Max length of allowed user input: 1000
- Field Length: 50
- Text Area Height: 6
- Field Editable by User: Yes
- Other options are optional.
- Save
- Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
- Fill in the gWoWEvents configuration options.
- That is all, instruct people to fill in their profile.
v1.0.10 - upload cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php, class_gwowarmory.php, import product with overwrite
- Quick fix for 3.1 armory changes.
- Secondary skills disabled for now.
v1.0.9 - upload cron.gwowevents.charinfo.php, upload images, import product with overwrite
- Death knight images, thanks SlompOchomp
- Fix special characters in player names
v1.0.8 - import product with overwrite enabled
- Fix spelling error
- Fix for signup allowance periods
v1.0.7 - Upload functions_gwowevents.php, images, import product with overwrite enabled
v1.0.5 - Import product with overwrite enabled.
- Used phrases for more text
- Added option to show who has viewed the event details.
v1.0.4 - Upload all files import product.
- Added a 4th, "Yes Late", signup option
- Comment minimum setting for Late and Maybe options
v1.0.3 - Import product.
- Update for 3.7.0 Gold, thank you Kinneas
v1.0.2 - Upload all files import product.