Miserable Mod Help - db error


New Member

i've recently installed miserable user mod, we have a troll we would like to ban, but using miserable mod hack is effective for troll! :D

here's the problem, i've tested it on one of our dummy account, and use secondary usergroup (miserable usergroup).

Whenever I tried it on the dummy account it is causing database error during the login. I've read it on vbulletin.org mod support forum saying it doesn't cause this but somehow we experience the error on these account two: dummy and our mascot troll.

It seems by lowering the ff helps a bit:
minimum response time: 15
maximum response time: 25
floodtime multiplier: 5

The error was lessen, but I want to eliminate the error and hopefully increase the response time and floodtime for maximum effect.

Any help, comment will be appreciated!
