mischievious radio buttons


hmm.<br />
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i have two sets of two radio buttons in a form, marked "yes" and "no" to indicate the answer to two separate questions.<br />
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The two pairs of buttons are in the same row but separate columns.<br />
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For some reason they are being read as one set of four buttons, i.e. only one from four can be selected at any time.<br />
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Any ideas how I can remedy this?<br />
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cheers<!--content-->Give them different names. Only one radio button of the same name can be checked.<!--content-->pyro, would it also work if they put a div inside the table col.<br />
<div class=buttonpair1></div> <br />
<div class=buttonpair2></div><br />
like that?<!--content-->No, if the radio buttons have the same name, and are part of the same from, wrapping them in <div>s will not help.<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
Give them different names. Only one radio button of the same name can be checked. <br />
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Just for the sake of clarity, what Pyro means is give the two sets of radio buttons different names. The buttons in each set should each have the same name as the other button.<!--content-->