minor asp variable modification

hey everyone, I found this opensource asp intranet, I need help just modifying a few connection string variables (they are highligheted in red) the files will be held in a folder called intranet on the main ftp screen.

This is the installation help file:
The default properties of the site should be sufficient to allow you to view the site
immediately ?except that you must update the 鎻約SiteRoot?variable to point to
the folder of the root site where Intranet Open Source will exist. This must be
done because the variable is used in configuration of the connection string of the
included Access database.

Here is the actual code in the asp file:<%
'General Site Configuration Variables
gsColorHighlight = "#6699CC"'light color used throughout the site
gsColorBackground = "#444444"'darker color used throughout the site and for text
gsColorAltHighlight = "#e7d19a"'alt light color used throughout the site
const gsColorWhite = "#eeeeee"'alt color for white used throughout the site, especially in alternating rows
const gsColorBlack = "#111111"'alt color used for black throughout the site, black is so harsh sometimes

const gsMetaDescription = ""'Meta tag description
const gsMetaKeywords = ""'Meta tag keywords

const gsSiteName = "The Manta Group"
const gsSiteLogo = "intranet.gif"'stored in the images folder
const gsAdminEmail = "[email protected]"
const gsMailHost = "mail.yourdomain.com"
const gsSiteURL = "http://release1.diggersolutions.com" 'full site url, including any folders
const gsSiteRoot = "/"'the place in the site structure where this site is
'if this site is the root then "/" else if this site
'is in a subfolder like "intranet" then you should put "/intranet/" here
'make sure to include the trailing slash
const gsMailComponent = "CDONTS"'CDONTS is the default component coded into the initial release
'other valid choices include: CDO, ASPXP, PersistsASPMail, Jmail, and ServerObjectsASPMail
'other components can be easily added to the /includes/mail.asp filethen place it in the sub folder and the variable should be the folders name like so

/intranet/Thanks for the help, stupid mistake on my part.