I got this code online and it satisfies my need of having a min-height div. But I also want the content to be vertically center aligned. Can someone please help? I have gone through many options given in these forums but they do not work in combination with this particuar css. And this particular css I must use to get a min-height div.\[code\]<html><style type="text/css"> .prop { float:right; width:1px; } #footer { clear:both; border-top:2px solid #000000; text-align:left; font-size:80%; } .min200px { height:200px; } </style></html><body><div> <div class="prop min200px"></div>I want this content to be vertically center aligned <div id="footer"> Copyight 2012 - xyz </div></div></body>\[/code\]