I have a bunch of nested divs, at the middle of which is some content. I want the div with the content to have a minimum height of the outer most div.Has anyone managed to do this?Here is an example of what I am trying to do, I have put the code below. I want the min-height of \[code\]#c\[/code\] to be \[code\]#a\[/code\]s height. This should render a green box, but its actually red.\[code\]<div id="a"> <div id="b"> <div id="c"> Content here </div> </div></div>??#a { height: 100px; }#b { min-height: 100%; background-color: red}#c { min-height: 100%; background-color: green}?\[/code\]I am not worried about it working on anything but modern browsers.