min-height does'nt work

I'm a newbie in css I just start recently when I learn that tables for layout was stupid.Now I've got a little problem, I went to give my main content area a min-heihgt propertie so even if the text in it is not enough long, my footer bar is reported to the bottom of the page.
Here how I tried to do it

min-height: 300;

but it does nothing! why?Well the bad news is: not all browswers support every CSS feature. The good news is you get a copy of a program called TopStyle which will greatly assist.what it does?Always express your units, in this case 300px.
IEs support of min-hieght isn't great, so you'd do well to do the same for hieght as you do for min-hieght.
Don't worry about using fancy software, if it can't be achived in notepad, then it can't be done. Of course you can use software like HTML Kit (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://chami.com">http://chami.com</a><!-- m -->) that'll give you visual aids and such like, but that's the most you should need.