middle aged babe in the woods


I have a page on tripod ...www.openpockets.com . here a lunar pages i'm building a page for <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sunrisegreenhouses.com">www.sunrisegreenhouses.com</a><!-- w --> . It's a might more techinical in the file manager here. What I was wondering how do I address an image in the image folder in the plubic_html folder on the index page. I know this sounds like a dumb question but I find the interface a little disorintating.<!--content-->Hi, Charlos! *g* Welcome to the zoo!<br />
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I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'll take a run at it.<br />
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Computers are like teenagers. They understand words of one syllable or less. Complex commands like "clean up your room" don't work. You have to specify "put the dirty clothes in the laundry", "put the books on the shelf", and so on.<br />
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As I understand it, you have images in one folder and your pages in another. Your image link then, the <img> tag, will read in one of two ways. If both the new page and the image are on the same site you can get away with <img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"../folder/image.jpg">. Which is basically saying "go back to the beginning of all the directories for this site, look in this folder for this image. You might need a second level, such as <img src="../public/folder/image.jpg"> if the image you want is on the same site, but in a different directory. <br />
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Your second option is to put in the entire address of the image <img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.mysite.com/public/folder/image.jpg">. <br />
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If you're not sure exactly where the image is located, you can call the index page up in your browser and select View>(Page) Source and read the html of the index page. That should give you the appropriate address of the image. <br />
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Does that help any?<br />
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Peg<!--content-->if the index page is in the public_html folder, and the images folder is a folder in the public_html folder all you need do is this on the index page:<br />
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<img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"images/frog.gif"><!--content-->