Micro blogging???


New Member
Friends, what is micro blogging??? How it differs from other blogging/techniques
i am expecting the details regarding micro blogging. If any of you know about this technique, kindly share with us. Its kind of tweeting.There are number of sites in which you can do micro blog.You have to out your targeted url with your keyword or phrase and just publish it. Microblogging is a part of blogging.

Microblogging is a web service that allows the subscriber to broadcast short messages/ image and video links (typically 140-200 characters) to other subscribers of the service...

Blogging also lets you share content/ images or videos with others but there is no character/ word limit.
Both are wonderful ways of social media marketing. An example of Micro Blogging can be Tumblr.com or Twitter. Micro Blogging is more social and personalized than normal blogging. A Micro blogging site can also be addressed as a Social Networking website. Microblogging is shorter messages than regular blog posts. It's a way to draw traffic and get people interested in what you are trying to put out there. Sorta like a teaser of what you offer.

[removed] Well Micro-Blogging is basically just what the name suggests.

It is like a Blog but it is "micro", here are the things that differentiate it from normal Blogging:

*Word/Character Limit
*More Personal/Social
*Its not used Commercially very frequently

A good example for Micro-Blogging websites are Twitter and Identi.ca , just take a look at both and you will get a better idea.

Typical Blogging Web Sites are Wordpress, Blogspot and Tumblr where there is no limit on the length of your messages and they are much more customisable. Quote: Originally Posted by HTMLBasicTutor http://www.v7n.com/forums/seo-forum/279990-what-micro-blogging.html#post1773194 , http://jaiku.com , http://pownce.com [RIP] and http://tumblr.com were among the first services that were called microblogs. http://knol.google.com/k/microblogs# One example of micro blogging is twitter where your blog (tweet) can not exceeds from the limit of 140 characters. The main difference between blog and micro blog forums is that in micro blog your post will have some limits but in a normal blog your post will have no limits. Micro blogging just like tweet in twitter, it is like sharing some part of your content with link. Quote: Originally Posted by umrbd01 http://www.v7n.com/forums/seo-forum/280291-micro-blogging.html#post1775935 This is the second thread on this topic and a 5 second search on google or this forum would have answered the question. C'mon guys, this is more than a little transparent.