MGC Chatbox Evo 2.1.0

MGC Chatbox Evo v2.1.0


Here is a small list of functionnalities :

* Ajax based and simple install
* Lots of options to customize the chatbox to your needs
* Intelligent chats retrieving for faster chatbox reload
* Many commands available with usergroup/user permissions to access them :
o /me : well known IRC command
o /del : remove shouts (different possibilities of removal)
o /ignore : ignore shouts from another user
o /ban : ban user from chatbox
o /pm : send a private chat to another user
o /announcement : modify the announcement on top of the chatbox
o /slap : allow user to slap another user

* Edition of chats by a double click on the chat (based on ajax)
* Possibility to create channels (unlimited number of channels)
* Usergroup permissions to access the different chatbox functionnalities
* Display chatbox on the pages you want (options available)
* Notification system upon new message in other channels (blinking icons)
* Inactive mode
* Chats archive page
* Automatic chats removal task
* Who is in the chatbox feature
* Small avatar at the left of the chat
* Force anonymous to enter a username before chatting
* New thread/New post notification in the chatbox
* Sound notification for new messages
* ... And many other functionnalities !!!!

It offers importers from many other chatboxes system:

* cChatbox by Christrato [version 1.5]
* Cyb - Chatbox by Cybernetec [version 2.3]
* vBulletin 3.x Shoutbox 1.0 (AJAX) by DionDev [version 1.0]
* Dream's Chatbox by Dream [version 2.1.1]
* GSBOS by dinnerbone [version 1.0.5]
* Inferno vBShout Lite 2.5.0 by Inferno Tech [version 2.5.1 lite]
* MGC Chatbox by MGC [version 1.5]


Refer to the readme for the chatbox install.


Live demo on forumcoding forum


1. French
2. English
3. Spanish(Rafael Cazada)
4. Arabic (vborg : alessai)
5. German (vborg: captainslater)
6. Italian (vborg: rankine)
7. Turkish (vborg: bocek)
8. Russian (butch3r)

To be updated

In this thread or on forumcoding.


Integration in IBProarcade is described in the readme.

vBAdvanced module: here

vBCms integration : here

This hack is compatible with vB3.6.x, vB3.7.x and vB3.8.x


Available here : Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource!

Known uncorrectable bug

* Menu problem with editor at bottom and prompt message in the chat input field

Bug in the new version

* SQL error when chats and notifications are in separate SQL query and chatbox is minimized (See here for a fix)
* $find instead of $search_text in Readme for style problem
* Chatbox doesn't scroll down automatically in IE7 when the newest chats are set to be at the bottom
* Menu problem in Opera when newest chats at bottom and editor at bottom
* Stupid error message with vB3.6 sporadically (See here to get rid of the error)
* When clicking on view all of chats of ... the displayed chats are those of the user clicking on the link instead of the other user. (See here for a fix)
* If a thread/post is removed from the database and notification system is active, the notification chat is not removed from the database
* If a thread/post is supposed to be awaiting moderation, it's shown in the notifications while it shouldn't yet be
* Prefix missing in mgc chatbox 1.5 import script
* Chats limit per 24 is not working properly
* Forum left to right align not taken into account
* Menu item in PM chats is redirecting to receiver of the message instead of author.
* When BBCODE are off, setting the chatbox to be hidden in the usercp stop the user from being able to set it on again
* When chats are displayed as "newest at the bottom", the chatbox doesn't scroll correctly after a delete of a chat.

* Fixed in the next release

Feature requests

Here is the list of features requested by users, feel free to ask for more in this thread.

* Color picker instead of dropdown
* Create a small version of the template for vba side column use
* Possibility to have the PM messages in a separate channel (perhaps adding channels permissions for commands)
* Antiflood system (max. number of messages per minute)
* Can delete own shouts permission
* vBShouts 2.0 importer (See here)
* Possibility to have new thread/post notification link moving to last post
* See if it is possible to have enter button to send the private chat instead of clicking on cancel
* Quote BBCode
* Sound notification upon new message in other channels

You can ask for more directly here
* Fixed / Implemented in the next version

It will updated regularly with plugins for the chatbox as well as other button packs.

File attached
is there a fix for * When BBCODE are off, setting the chatbox to be hidden in the usercp stop the user from being able to set it on again......? I really need to know how to fix this bug