MeTube Youtube Clone Wordpress Theme


New Member

MeTube Installation:

* Download the zip file from this page. There may be updated files.
* Extract the file,
* Upload the metube folder into wp-content/themes directory,
* Upload the wp-postviews(in plugins folder) folder into wp-content/plugins directory,
* Activate the theme and the wp-postviews plugin.

WP-postviews Plugin:

There are some options in Settings-Postviews but default options are ok. You do not need to change anything. If you want the plugin to count your visits(admin), choose "everyone" for "Count Views From" field.
MeTube Options:

Enter Appearance-MeTube Options and fill in the fields.

* Blog Title: If you do not want to use a logo, write a title,
* Top Center Menu: Write your general video and game category urls. You can create a general Videos category and create subcategoris in this category. You can see the example in demo.
* Top Right Menu: If you want to disable the right top menu, check it.
* Featured Category: This is for homepage. Create a Featured category and write here that category ID.
* Videos Category: Write the general videos category ID.
* Games Category: Write the general games category ID.
* What's New Category: You can have normal blog posts in a category. See the eample posts on right bottom of the demo homepage. Create a category called Blog and write here that categoy ID.
* Featured Video Code: Paste the featured video embed code. This is the video in right sidebar.
* What's New category URL: Write the url of your Blogs category.
* 300*225 Adsense: Paste the Adsense code or a normal banner code.
