META tag problem

I have a J2EE web application that uses the Struts framework. I do not wish that the web pages it displays retrieves from the cache, therefore I put in the meta tag that states:<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><br />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"><br />
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However, it does not always work well because certain requests of the same URL do not set the expiry date for the page. I need to "Refresh" (by clicking the reload button of IE) the page a few times before the expiry date is then set. Why is it so? Can someone please advise. Thanks.<br />
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Yi May<!--content-->I remember reding quite somet time ago that <br />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"><br />
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"Expires" does not work with proxy cache,Other then that the only thing I can see is that documentation all over the internet all say content="0",I'll be really surprised to see if this has some thing to with it,but you can always try.<br />
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