meta keywords in pages destined for frames


Q: My index page calls up 3 frames -1 is on top w/my logo, 1- is on the side which is my nav bar, and 1-is on the bottom right is where the page that you click on my nav bar goes.<br />
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My question is, should i just have my meta keywords in my index page? Should I have a noindex for my... <META NAME="robots" CONTENTS="noindex">... so the spiders don't list my pages that will go inside my right frame? <br />
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The reason is that I don't want my indivudual pages to come up w/o my logo or my nav bar. <br />
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Will this hurt my ratings in listings if i have only 1 page that has all my keywords???<br />
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Thank you in advance for anyone who can help.<!--content-->I haven't used frames very much, but it seems logical that you would only want to use keywords for the index page while using frames. I did a bunch of research on search engines recently though, and it seems that none of the major engines pay any attention to keywords anymore due to people abusing them. I believe the Inktomi database (MSN, etc) still makes use of them, but that was the only one I found. So you shouldn't have to worry about your rating being affected at least.<!--content-->use keywords in all of your pages and don't 'no-index' them!!<br />
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yes the problem with framed pages is that have the chance of appearing in the serps by themselves!, ut on the pages have a link back to the framed versions, and there's a script that will detect if the page is being displayed out of it's frame and redirect the visitors to theframed version, one min i'll go find it, can't remember it of hand!<br />
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Have a good read through the 'search engine' forum to get tips for search engine placement!, most search engines don't read the meta keywords anymore!<br />
i'll go find that script now :)<!--content-->ok here you are :)<br />
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <br />
<!-- Begin <br />
if (window == top) top.location.href = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->"index.html"; <br />
// End --> <br />
</script><!--content-->Thank you so much, I can't wait to revise. I wouldn't be surprised if i have more questions though, hope you don't mind. <br />
I would be able to reference this later, what is this called?<br />
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thanks again!<!--content-->i'm sorry i don't understand, what is it you're asking the name of?<!--content-->