Merging XML, XSL and HTML into 1 object


New Member
I have recently learned how to render XML documents using XSLT
What I have also done is to create another html page that uses
javascript to load the xml document and apply the stylesheet entirely
on the client side.
The reason I am doing this is so that I can embedd these files into
Word documents.
However, what I don't know how to do and whether it is possible is to
merge all 3 documents into one object, so when a user double clicks on
the object they will be shown the XHTML document in a rendered format on
their browser.

So, the files would be:
render.html (contains the javascript to load the previous files and
transform the XML document using the XSL and writing it to the XHTML

Would this be possible or is there another way it could be done?
PS. I don't want to include the xml-stylesheet in the XML file as I don't want the files to reside on a Web Server.
