merged e-mail link coming back from form


Staff member
I'm having an annoying problem with an HTML form. Everything works fine, EXCEPT that when I receive e-mails from the form the link for the senders e-mail has merged with the variable as shown below: <br />
<br />
[email protected]<br />
<br />
This whole line is the link, rather than only their address!<br />
<br />
It would be FAR more convenient in replying to these folks if I could simply click on this link directly in their e-mail. I have tried to insert a space in front of the e-mail address to break it up and managed to do this, but it assumes the person using the form will click in the field. If they TAB into the field, they will write over that little space I inserted.<br />
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Any help would be greatly appreciated,<br />
<br />
-Vince<!--content-->welcome to the forums, could you please post your code so we can see what the problem is.<!--content-->Maybe:<br />
<br />
<form onsubmit="' '"><br />
<input name="email" type="text"><br />
<br />
If you use onchange or onblur in the text element itself, it won't fire when the user submits via the enter key. If you're using a validator, stick this anywhere.<br />
<br />
Seems too easy somehow.<!--content-->