

I have a menu done in CSS that changes the background color and text color when you move the mouse over it. I want it to extend into a sub-menu when you move the mouse over it. Can this be done with CSS? If so, can someone please show me the code, as I do not know CSS to well. If you would like to see an example, go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and look at the horizontal navigation menu. I want mine with a few more effects and I want it to be Vertical though.<br />
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Thank You,<br />
Kevin Naia<!--content-->I believe javascript or DHTML is teh only way. css doesn't have the power to do it by itself.<!--content-->i'll bet that with the :hover pseudoclass and the display or visibility (or whatever it's called, i've never had the nerve to bother with it) attribute, you could probably do something like that. and i bet it would suck compared to DHTML... mainly because it wouldn't be compatible with a lot of the current browsers. but give it about a year and they should (hopefully) be caught up.<!--content-->Could someone help me with DHTML then? Any Ideas on where to get a script?<br />
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Kevin Naia<!--content--><br />
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one of the best around.<!--content-->There are a few well done pure CSS dropdown menus, but they only work in Mozilla and Netscape 7.x, as transmothra postulated. You can see a good demo at Eric Meyer's css/edge (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and another at Inigio Surguy's website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->Thanks Both of You!<br />
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Kevin Naia<!--content-->