Menu Problems in Netscape


My site seems to work great in IE but when I switch to netscape the entire site is shifted to the left and the DHTML menu system does not work and is fully out of alignment. The menu system is not my creation but the rest of the site is and I would really appreciate any help you guys could give.<br />
<br /><!--content-->To my eyes, the page looked best in Opera. The menu is slightly on top of the rest of the page, but not so you cannot read "Up and Coming".<br />
But I still prefer this version, as the menu items are separated, and when you put your cursor on them, they turn into little buttons. In Explorer (4.0), the items are jumbled into one long word:<br />
TownHallBusinessesTourismHome<br />
which is quite hard to read, let along recognize as a menu.<br />
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As for the cause of the problem, I suggest that you go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and enter your page's URL. When you have fixed every error, chances are that everything will work, whatever browser you are using.<br />
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As a temporary measure, I suggest you just add another row or two to the table, dividing the top one into TDs containing the menu items as straight text links (using the same green background color). Or just remove it for now, I see that none of the links are actually doing something.<br />
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Oh, and while it doesn't matter what browser you are using if you just validate your pages, viewing pages under construction with Explorer 5.5 is probably a mistake. Explorer is notorious for allowing mistakes (if it wasn't, you would never have heard of FrontPage). And new versions are the worst, as improvement at Microsoft usually doesn't consist of getting things to work right, but to add new proprietory stuff that won't work in other browsers.<!--content-->