Menu Help!!!


I have made a page, using frames.<br />
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The page consists of three frames, the one on the left has my javascript menu.<br />
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The problem is that when an item pops out, instead of going over the other frames, it adds a scrollbar and covers up the menu pop ups.<br />
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Is there a way to get the pop ups to go over the other frames?<br />
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Or can I make one master page and have another page open up in a certain region like a text box or something?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->sorry there's no way of making anything cross the farmes border :( <br />
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welcome to the forums though :D <br />
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i don't understand what you mean with the second part of your question, iframes maybe?<br />
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these are similar to frames but you place them in a normal html page (no framest needed etc)<br />
here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tml_iframe</a><!-- m -->) will show you how :)<!--content-->Thanks leoo24<br />
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I guess iframes is what I need. I kind of thought that frames weren't going to work. Thanks a lot.<!--content-->Oh, I forgot.<br />
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Is is possible to link to an iframe like it is in regular frames? You know, like when you click a link, it can open in a specified frame. Can you do the same with an iframe?<!--content-->yes, and its done the same way, target="frameName"<!--content-->Thanks<br />
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I also want to put a style to it, but the style="" thing isn't working. (Actually, I want to give it a thick, black border.)<br />
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I tried the following:<br />
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style=".iFrame"<br />
style="iFrame"<br />
class=".iFrame"<br />
class="iFrame"<br />
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(WebWriter told me that style="" is an option for an iframe. Just so you know, I am using FrontPage, but I sometimes go into WebWriter for stuff)<!--content-->Never mind, I found out that answer with some trial and error.<br />
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Now I want to know how to make the scrollbar NOT appear on the side of the page.<!--content-->scrolling="no"<br />
the valid options for this are yes, no, and auto. If you do NOT want scrollbars, paste that into the iframe tag.<!--content-->Thanks<br />
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I also want to put a style to it, but the style="" thing isn't working. (Actually, I want to give it a thick, black border.)<br />
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I tried the following:<br />
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style=".iFrame"<br />
style="iFrame"<br />
class=".iFrame"<br />
class="iFrame"<br />
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(WebWriter told me that style="" is an option for an iframe. Just so you know, I am using FrontPage, but I sometimes go into WebWriter for stuff)<!--content-->Well, 2 things.<br />
1. To use the border that is built into the iframe tag, simply put frameborder="1"<br />
2. You can easily add styles to it. For a thick black border, put something like this: style="border:5px solid #000000"<br />
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To make it a class, add class="classname" to your iframe tag. Then in your css file, make a class that looks like this:<br />
<br />
.classname<br />
{<br />
border:5px solid #000000;<br />
}<br />
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Also, using a tag name such as iframe is probably a bad idea if you are making your own class. Maybe try something like iframe_border or call it thick_border<!--content-->Thanks for all the help so far guys. I'm not a newb, but there is still a lot about html that I don't know.<br />
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Another thing. I am using a font that is not normally used (hooge 05_53). What can I do to make the font automatically install when the user first visits the site?<!--content-->You can't. You could put a link to the font, for them to d/l and install it, but if they are like me, they won't do it. If you keep the main text in a normal font, and just use the fancy font for navigation links, etc, you could make the text into images, or into flash text, but you cannot have the fon't install for them.<!--content-->