(please bare with me, I'm new at this
I am trying to insert a menu with submenus in a website using Frontpage. The menu is at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://webdeveloper.earthweb.com/webjs/jsnavigation/item.php/102611">http://webdeveloper.earthweb.com/webjs/ ... php/102611</a><!-- m -->
The steps of a javascript tutorial I found seemed simple enough but the thing doesn't work. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but let's take things from the beginning: Please explain to me (in simple language) how exactly do we insert a javascript code in Frontpage.

I am trying to insert a menu with submenus in a website using Frontpage. The menu is at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://webdeveloper.earthweb.com/webjs/jsnavigation/item.php/102611">http://webdeveloper.earthweb.com/webjs/ ... php/102611</a><!-- m -->
The steps of a javascript tutorial I found seemed simple enough but the thing doesn't work. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but let's take things from the beginning: Please explain to me (in simple language) how exactly do we insert a javascript code in Frontpage.