Menu Alert v1.1
What is Menu Alert?
This modification, installs an alert that is displayed globally across your vBulletin forum.
It is completely admin controllable, and simple to install.
What can I do using Menu Alert?
The features of Menu Alert include:
How long will it take me to install Menu Alert?
Menu Alert is easier to install than any of my previous modifications! Just one product, will install:
1 Template
1 Plugin
1 Admin Controllable Menu
All you must do is insert $menualert into your navbar template and it's fully installed!

Menu Alert was Created By: Marky
You must not allow this file for download anywhere but without the consent of Mark Spiers (Marky)
What is Menu Alert?
This modification, installs an alert that is displayed globally across your vBulletin forum.
It is completely admin controllable, and simple to install.
What can I do using Menu Alert?
The features of Menu Alert include:
- Alert Menu Switch - Ability to turn your alert on/off.
- Title/Content Change - Ability to change the title and content of your alert.
- Title/Content Colour Change - Ability to change the colour of both your title and content of your alert.
- Marquee Switch - Ability to turn on a 'Marquee'. This turns your alert into a 'Marquee'.
- Marquee Direction - Ability to change the direction in which the marquee turns.
- Title Prefix - Ability to change the prefix of your title.
- HTML Ready - You can use HTML in this release!
How long will it take me to install Menu Alert?
Menu Alert is easier to install than any of my previous modifications! Just one product, will install:
1 Template
1 Plugin
1 Admin Controllable Menu
All you must do is insert $menualert into your navbar template and it's fully installed!

Menu Alert was Created By: Marky
You must not allow this file for download anywhere but without the consent of Mark Spiers (Marky)