Memory Leak in Crystal Report app


New Member
I have a simple app running on windows 2008 R2 SP1 with iis7. The application Loads a crystal report, then prints the report to printer using the printtoprinter method. All works fine, but the w3wp.exe is out of control. It reached up to 2GB before I had to manually recycle. there are about 8 people using the site printing atleast 2K of reports to the printer.After I print the report, I am using .Close and .Dispose of the ReportDocument object. Using 3.5\[code\]Using rptDoc As New ReportDocument rptDoc.Load(FilePackList) rptDoc.SetDataSource(data) rptDoc.PrintOptions.PrinterName = DropDownPackList.Text rptDoc.PrintToPrinter(nCopies, False, 0, 0) rptDoc.Close() rptDoc.Dispose() End Using\[/code\]Any help please as to why it's killing my memory?