members only help


Staff member
I want to make a members only type website but the only problem is i have no clue how to and i cant find a single tutorial or anything about how to do so, could someone please tell me what i need to do or where i can find a tutorial on this matter<!--content-->A javascript password prompt is good if you don't want to go through stuff like php and other stuff that deals with passwords.<br />
<br />
<script language="JavaScript"><br />
<!--hide<br />
var password;<br />
var pass1="yourpasswordhere";<br />
password=prompt('Enter your password in order to view this page!',' ');<br />
if (password==pass1)<br />
alert('YAY you got it right! Click OK to enter!');<br />
else<br />
{<br />
window.location="url";<br />
}<br />
//--><br />
</script><br />
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It's not a safe code, and pretty easy to get around.<!--content-->Thanx but thats not exactly what im lookin for farie, that sets a single password to that lookin for a way to let the users set their own passwords and stuff..could ya tell me where i can find out how to do that?<!--content-->Ummm. I know bravenet has some Password Gates, if you want to check them out.<!--content--> gonna go check it out now..thanx for tha help<!--content-->Your welcome. I don't know anything about PHP and stuff, so I can't be of much help in this area other than what I said!<!--content-->you were still a REALLY big help to me i appreciate it alot<!--content-->this can be done using a PHP and mysql Database.<br />
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take a look at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> , theres plenty of scripts that do just what you need.<!--content-->try doing some searching first<br />
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