Members Only Area


Hey guys,<br /><br />Does anyone know how to incorperate a "members only" area to a web site? Is there a program for this?<br /><br />I want to be able to allow customers to login to a "special area" with their unqiue password to see their unique page and submit information about their business.<br /><br />The point is to allow businesses to access their own account and change information related to how they do business with me. There is no need for cleints to upload or ftp any files, just a place to change a few fields and make a few statements for me to view later.<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
I'm sure you can find something over at that you could use.<br /><br />Also moving to more appropriate forum.<!--content-->
I would use something simple, like this forum setup here. Use Invision or phpbb, you can make the whole thing only visable to those who have a password for general info for all clients, then make different categories for specific clients, and using access permissions, they could only see their indivdual category, where you could collaborate back and forth <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />HTH, Tom<!--content-->
Well as a simple password login you could use .htpasswd but that will just give access to the directoy and not server up personalised pages. If you don't feel like coding something yourself then Bruce's idea is best and you should visit hotscripts. If you are making it yourself then you would need to use sessions or cookies. If you want something personalised made just for you then there are plenty of scripters out there begging for work.<!--content-->