I own a website that runs my World of Warcraft guild on the onyxia realm. And as we are a raiding guild, the website is a very important thing. Now I have a lot of experience using VB and PHP Nuke, but my experience has those 2 seperate, and not at the same time. My forum is currently Vbulletin 3.8, and I would like to put more effort into the guild website, by adding a PHP Nuke site to it, then bridging the users. I know this sounds like a complete noob question and all, and I will probably get flamed before I get a good response. But how do I merge my VBulletin users, into PHP Nuke, and bridge them together. No offense on phpbb, but phpbb sucks compared to VB, and I really don't want to downgrade to PHPbb and lose 10,000 posts on my forum.
Please any kind of post would be very appreciated