Hello now im back again whit an ord php nuke ore just php qouestien.
I think that the memberlist on phpnuke is stupid when i got af klan so where can i find a php script ore something that is af memberlist. (clan members not just the site members only clan members)you will have to make your ownNo problem im at last statet to studi php so im not a total newb more only alomost newv but not newb
But i have eksperimentet whit af html code member list and it looks cool.you can add another field to the database in the members directory which specifies if they are a clan member or not, and use this in your sql query to display only clan members.
I think that the memberlist on phpnuke is stupid when i got af klan so where can i find a php script ore something that is af memberlist. (clan members not just the site members only clan members)you will have to make your ownNo problem im at last statet to studi php so im not a total newb more only alomost newv but not newb
But i have eksperimentet whit af html code member list and it looks cool.you can add another field to the database in the members directory which specifies if they are a clan member or not, and use this in your sql query to display only clan members.