Mediawiki & Ipb


Staff member
I dont know whether this should be in here but here goes anyway<br /><br />I am a user of both MediaWiki (wikipedia software) and IPB and have bridged them using IPBWIKI (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br /><br />Just for those who have wanted something similar:<br /><br />Members are central to both, so when someone registers at either end they are registered for both the wiki and IPB<br />Logins/Logouts work so when you log in to one you are logged into both<br />You can set wiki permissions based on your forum member groups<br />You can have it so discussions in the wiki create threads in your forum<br />There are even skins to make your wiki look like your forum<br />+ loads more<br /><br /><br />Now the only issue is that you have to pay, although there is a limited free version<br />. The yearly license costs 25鈧