Meaning of header-Fields using POST-Method


Staff member
Hello to all out there,

I'm new in this forum and I'm also new to the POST-Method when using the HTTP-Protocol to exchange xml-data between a java-client and a java-server.
Can anybody explain me the what "/myDirectory/check.xml" in the following XML/HTTP-Message means?

POST /myDirectory/check.xml HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Here some xml-data

I studied the Http-Specification about the POST-Method an I tried to figured it out by using google. But no chance.
It is said, that that the URL "http://localhost:8080/myDirectory/check.xml" points to the programm or process which can make use of the xml-data in the body of my sended message. But how can an xml-file do this? Otherwise, how could a server which may be able to process the sended data look like. If someone could give me an answer I would be very appreciated.

Thanks Mak and sorry for my English