Me again


I finally managed to get frames, but I'm having problems again. My code is --<br />
<frameset cols="120,*" ><br />
<frame src="" name="menu" ><frame src="" name="main" ><br />
</frameset> <br />
<br />
I'm trying to get the links in one frame to open up into the other one. How do I do it?<br />
Thanks :)<!--content-->You use target=yourwin<br />
<br />
<br />
Place this link in your menu page...<br />
<a href="your.htm" target="main">This link will open in the main window</a><!--content-->Uh...which link would I put in Your.html? The link itself, or the page it's opening to?<!--content-->The link itself. The target="..." is where you put the _name_ of the frame that you want to open you links in.<!--content-->Still not working...<br />
This is what I'm putting in: <frameset cols="120,*" > <br />
<frame src="" name="menu" ><frame src="" name="main" > <br />
</frameset><a href="" target="">This link will open in the main window</a><br />
<br />
Am I making a mistake somewhere?<!--content-->Hi Shippy...<br />
The target needs to be the frame name that you want the link to open in - just as Pyro explained.<br />
<br />
Use this:<br />
<br />
<a href="" target="main">This link will open in the main window</a><br />
<br />
That should do it.<br />
k<!--content-->The name of the frame where I'm trying to open it is Fanfiction. When I put that in instead of Main, still nothing happens :(<!--content-->Shippy ...<br />
<br />
From what you've offered, you don't have a frame named Fanfiction.<br />
<br />
Just "menu" and "main".<br />
<br />
Target "main" and it will work (trust me).<br />
<br />
Otherwise I don't know what your talking about, really.<br />
<br />
:confused: <br />
k<!--content-->The frameset that you posted doesn't have a frame named Fanfiction...<!--content-->I tried it! But it still wont work. The code goes after the original, right?<!--content-->This is what I'm putting in but the adoptions still open in the menu.<br />
<frameset cols="120,*" > <br />
<frame src="" name="menu" ><frame src="" name="main" > <br />
</frameset><a href="" target="main">This link will open in the main window</a><!--content-->Put <a href="" target="main">This link will open in the main window</a> in frame.html and it should work fine<!--content-->Jeez, I'm sorry, but I just don't get it.<br />
Frame.html where?<br />
I know I must be bugging you guys, but could you maybe give me the whole exact code I have to write, including the original and what you're trying to do? <br />
I just don't seem to be understanding what you're saying, it seems to be the exact same thing I posted above.<!--content-->Fulll, working code attached. It is coded just like I've been saying... ;)<!--content-->Thanks so much! :)<br />
I'm off to try it out.<!--content-->Aw jeez! I can't open the file.<!--content--><!--content-->This is the code I got from there. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" ""><br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Untitled Document</title><br />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br />
</head><br />
<br />
<frameset cols="200,*" framespacing="0"><br />
<frame src="" name="menu" scrolling="NO" noresize><br />
<frame src="" name="main"><br />
</frameset><br />
<noframes><body><br />
<br />
</body></noframes><br />
</html><br />
<br />
<br />
Still the same thing, and now the scrollbars vanished. :confused:<!--content-->Open frameset.htm in your browser and click the link on the left for Yahoo!. It will open in your right frame...<!--content-->Yeah, it does.<br />
But as soon as I substitute the links for my own, it all changes.<!--content-->And how, exactly, does that happen? :confused: :confused:<!--content-->I went into pagebuilder and went into left.html and main.html, and changed things around, then saved them. Then, when I tried to laod the frameset, that's what happened :(<!--content-->Well, I'm running out of options here... :p I gave you code that works, so I guess just play around with that...<!--content-->Yeah, I'll try some more.<br />
Thanks very much for all your help :)<!--content-->Shippy...<br />
<br />
I'm sorry, but...<br />
you don't need Pagebuilder...<br />
you need Notepad.<br />
<br />
SO...<br />
Go here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
... and after you understand frames. "build" your frames page without Pagebuilder.<br />
<br />
That crutch is keeping you a cripple. Rid yourself of it (for this issue, at least) and this can be solved easily with the help of the people here!<br />
<br />
Pagebuilder is obviously holding you back - and as long as you insist on using it, I doubt that any of us will be able to understand the problems that you are having.<br />
<br />
I'll be happy to help you (but not if you keep using Pagebuilder. I don't have the patience to battle extraneous issues that only serve to confuse the issues even more).<br />
<br />
So there you have it: I'll help... but go to the Goodies site first, then be prepared to do this in Notepad. We will have you up and running within minutes (and you will actually even understand it!). I promise.<br />
<br />
Yes? No? <br />
It's a good offer. But you have to trust me (c'mon... would I steer you wrong? --- talk your head-off maybe... but never steer you wrong. lol).<br />
Go to the Goodies site... then report back with any (non-Pagebuilder) problems that you are having.<br />
<br />
I can hear how frustrated you are. Trust me and we'll solve this for you.<br />
Seriously.<br />
<br />
seldom serious - but this time... I'm pretty serious...<br />
k<!--content-->Thanks for the link!<br />
The friend with whom I'm trying to make frames has had a breakthrough (she thinks) and she promises me that she did something that works. I'll see tomorrow if it actually does work, and if not, I'd love to take you up on your offer. It'd be great!<br />
Thanks very much, and i"ll give the goodies thing a try :)<!--content-->Shippy....<br />
<br />
Sorry.. I didn't realize that Pagebuilder was the Geocities app to load your pages onto their server (Pyro had to tell me. Thanks Pyro!).<br />
<br />
You still need to learn how to do frames though (without wysiwyg help).<br />
I maintain that you need to learn how via either Goodies or elsewhere. Don't let the wizards at Geocities teach you anything (that is, of course, my opinion).<br />
<br />
And you should be able to script your pages in Notepad (at least the frames pages, which seem to give you the most difficulty) - then upload them to Geocities by browsing to them on your hard-drive (I know this, because I just took a crash course in Geocities. And I see that you can upload via the file manager that they have). <br />
<br />
Simply put... nothing HAS to be built on Geocities itself.<br />
<br />
I don't know how your making out now (you haven't posted here on this topic since my last), so I hope you aren't struggling alone (or worse... giving up!).<br />
<br />
So... how IS it going?<br />
k<!--content-->IT WORKED!!!!!<br />
*Dances around and hugs everyone*<br />
Oh my god, it really, really worked! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!<br />
It worked :d<br />
I opened up the file that you sent me, and I just changed the link a little, and it all worked! I'm so happy, thank you!<br />
I'm off to go try to add more stuff now! :)<!--content-->:)<!--content-->