me (again)


how do i make a link with a password? like if they press the link it willl ask for a password how do i create that? (in html?)<br />
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thnx rymboy<!--content-->i think that you would need a server side script to handle passwords. <br />
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if you did it in html only, then they would be able to read the password in the source to your page.<!--content-->i got the point, i found ou t put a pass but i let some1 stest it and he jsut did what u just dead so wshat i did i just put in a javascript for blocking right-clicks<!--content-->I know of a way of doing this with Javascript, the password is the page name.<br />
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So if the name of the page you want to be protected is companyinfo.html, a JavaScript prompt box would appear asking for the password. Then you would put in the PW companyinfo and be taken to the page.<br />
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If you are interested I can find it when I get home, and help you to implement it, as it gets tricky when linking to other sub-directories. PM if you want any help.<br />
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:D<!--content-->there is no good client side script for passwords the best thing to do is ask your hoast if they can put a password on a page or folder for you they may charge but most will do it for free.<br />
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No right click scripts will do nothing for you there are many better and easyer ways to get arround to looking at the scource code.<br />
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Hope this helps to point you in the right direction<br />
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Bonkom :pimp:<!--content-->a right-click script wouldn't stop them from saving the page and looking the source on their own PC<!--content-->Originally posted by rymboy <br />
how do i make a link with a password? like if they press the link it willl ask for a password how do i create that? (in html?)<br />
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thnx rymboy <br />
depending on the server you could just protect the file with .htaccess file. or you could even use it for the whole directory. but if you are on a free server chances are you won't be able to use this.<br />
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then all you would have to do it click on the link and it should ask for the password, but only for the file/directory they clicked on.<!--content-->what if you would put all the javascript in .js file... would they still be able to view the source in a way or not ?<!--content-->i think they could.<br />
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from the source of the html they know the URL to the .js file, and just grab it from there.<!--content-->