What version of MDAC is installed in Windows XP Pro, 2.6 or 2.7? Do I need<BR>to install the version 2.7 in order to work wuth data access in Windows XP<BR>Pro?<BR><BR>Thanks for any reply,<BR>Edwin<BR>Should be 2.7.<BR><BR><BR>A couple of quick and dirty ways to check....<BR>Open RegEdit, and do a search on "MDAC". One of the first couple of hits should tell you.<BR><BR>Or, if you have IIS and ASP running,<BR><BR><%<BR>Set gobjConnection = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")<BR><BR>Response.Write " <H3>ADO Version: " & gobjConnection.version & "</H3>"<BR>%><BR><BR>Will tell you your ADO version, from which, you can extrapolate the MDAC version.<BR><BR><BR><BR>