Maybe You Can help Me....


Greetings. I have a feature I want to add to my website but I'm unsure of exactly how to accomplish it. What I want to do is have a page where users can post and add lines to a poem, I will enter the first line and each new line will be added by a different visitor to the site, as each new line is added by a visitor to the page the poem as a whole must be displayed and when I decide each poem is finished I need to be able to move it to an archive page and begin a new one. also I want the page to keep track of who has written each line and be able to search/display all poems contributed to by any visitor. and possibly even assemble all lines written by a particular user on one page. Can you tell me how to accomplish this? I know a little bit about writing HTML but I am certainly not an expert and I haven't learned much at all about perl/java etc. yet. I have assembled a website completely on my own so far it may be held together with duct tape and paper clips but it all works so far. its at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.<br />
many thanks,<br />
-Richard<!--content-->What you are trying to accomplish is can not be done using html.HTML+JavaScript does not have the ability to retain changes made at run time,fo this purpose, you will need to use some type of server side coding,examples of which are <br />
JSP,Servlets<br />
ASP..etc<!--content-->thanks for the info but where can I obtain this coding or the knowledge to produce it myself? Any help is greatly appreciated.<br />
-Richard<!--content-->you can try here,some one might write some code for you...I would if I a=had time..sowwy...<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->hi Richard...<br />
<br />
if you have a server that supports ASP...<br />
then i have some pages that are already coded that you can modify<br />
(although your ambitions may exceed your ability to advance the code beyond it's existing structure).<br />
<br />
let me know if you can run ASP.<br />
if so... i'll create a mock-up based on your desire to allow people to add new lines to a poem.<br />
then you can decide if you want to learn what is necessary to advance it beyond that (and i'm afraid that you will need to know/learn ASP, databases, and SQL to do so).<br />
<br />
let me know....<br />
;) k<!--content-->okay Richard...<br />
<br />
i did a quick mock-up using one of your existing poems:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
it's a very raw and undeveloped example...<br />
but i think that it may be what you are looking to do (?).<br />
<br />
let me know...<br />
;) k<!--content-->I Tried it out and it looks great, many thanks for your help in this. I know I need to learn to do asp programming myself, just haven't had the time yet, but I will learn it eventually. Just a few question though, I viewed the source HTML for the page in your link, where do I get the file newpoem.asp? and which directory on the site should it be in and when a poem is finished how do I save it and start a new one?<br />
thanks,<br />
-Richard<!--content-->hi Richard...<br />
<br />
give me some time and i'll put the asp pages into a txt file and then you can view everything before the server gets a hold of it.<br />
<br />
as far as new poems....<br />
you would just need to change the name of the file in the "action" part of the form.<br />
that will take care of that.<br />
<br />
as far as the location for the files themselves...<br />
whichever directory you want (as long as you code all of your links to point to the directory that they are in).<br />
<br />
give me until tonight and i'll paste the asp pages into text files for you.<br />
<br />
till then...<br />
;) k<br />
<br />
EDIT:<br />
just so you know...<br />
i'm killing the link to the page now.<br />
there always has to be some jerk who needs to play games :rolleyes: and the db is getting hammered with a bunch of crap right now.<br />
(unreal :rolleyes: )<!--content-->many thanks for your help, I guess the idea of adding to a poem must be popular if your site's getting so many hits. Hopefully it will prove to be popular...<br />
-Richard<!--content-->I guess the idea of adding to a poem must be popular if your site's getting so many hits well...<br />
actually the only "popular" thing about the "updated" poem on the server is the intended shock-value of the verses.<br />
(i suppose they are meant to make me blush or something... i don't know).<br />
<br />
let's just say that it was more crude than creative :rolleyes:<br />
<br />
(i attract all the weirdos)...<br />
;) k<!--content-->there is something of shock value in what I call a "serial poem" (one where each successive line is written by another person" but sometimes you come up with brilliant things that would never be thought of otherwise. I have done them for years on spiral notebooks, you write a line, next person writes a line etc. I found they help to inspire new ideas. I hope the one online will do the same.<br />
-Richard<!--content-->Originally posted by khaki <br />
(i attract all the weirdos)... ;) k <br />
lol :D<br />
I didn't get to see the wierdos' poem. Do you still have it?<!--content-->i'm pretty sure that the "poem" is still in the database...<br />
unfortunately my bro cut-off my permissions to his dopey server...<br />
(gee... i wonder why :rolleyes: )<br />
so i'll have to ask him to transfer it for me later tonight.<br />
<br />
but... like i said...<br />
it was more crude than creative.<br />
i'll post a link to my Brinkster site after i get it transferred.<br />
<br />
;) k<br />
<br />
EDIT: <br />
oh... and Richard....<br />
same reason as to why i haven't put the asp code onto text files yet.<!--content-->Hope I didn't cause you problems with your brother or anything.<br />
-Richard<!--content-->Hope I didn't cause you problems with your brother or anything he is my older brother...<br />
therefore it is my duty to torment him<br />
(he handles it well enough :rolleyes: ).<br />
<br />
so don't sweat it :)<br />
<br />
still no file transfer yet :eek:<br />
(he also torments me back ;) LOL)<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content--><!--content-->hi Richard...<br />
<br />
I still haven't gotten any of my pages Download <!--more-->ed from my bro's site (he says that he will do it this weekend .... if it's raining .... and it's supposed to :rolleyes: ).<br />
<br />
anyway.... I WILL let you know when they are available.<br />
<br />
btw... I tested you page (you know that it doesn't submit because the action url does not exist... right?)<br />
looks good though....<br />
you should be able to just grab the code and just paste it into your page without any problem.<br />
<br />
catch you later.<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->yes I saw that they were using a URL to a file that's not there and that's why it didn't work. Will it work with the file you are uploading? <br />
thanks,<br />
-Richard:confused:<!--content-->Have you had a chance to get that file yet?<br />
-Richard<!--content-->sorry Richard...<br />
<br />
you really caught me napping :eek:<br />
<br />
the files from my bro's site don't appear to be coming my way any time soon (he's in Puerto Rico now... and won't return for another 1 1/2 weeks)...<br />
so I will just copy and strip-out code from one of my own pages again.<br />
<br />
I'll do it for you in the morning (i won't be on the computer too much for the rest of the nite). <br />
<br />
sorry for dropping the ball on you...<br />
I hate when I do that :(<br />
<br />
the morning...<br />
I promise...<br />
;) k<!--content-->sounds good to me... I'm very greatful for your help!<br />
-Richard:p<!--content-->You would have to do a <form method="get"> type thing<!--content-->Get a chance to upload that file yet? I was just wondering because I hadn't heard anything for a while.....:confused: <br />
-Richard<!--content-->sorry again Richard...<br />
<br />
but listen....<br />
<br />
you already have a specific page that you are going to use to update (and/or create) the poems...<br />
so my code is not going to help you at all at this point.<br />
<br />
you should probably just trip over to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and apply the samples from:<br />
Database<br />
Database Add<br />
Database Delete<br />
Database Update<br />
<br /> your pages.<br />
<br />
unfortunately... you are creating a web-based database app....<br />
and every one is specific to itself.<br />
<br />
you really will need to just use the basic components of database connection (and interaction) to your specific pages.<br />
<br />
my own pages are far more specific to my own needs than the samples that you will find over at asp101.<br />
<br />
give it a try...<br />
then... if you still have questions...<br />
i'll try to help with those.<br />
<br />
sorry if i was stringing you along waiting for finished pages.<br />
but ultimately...<br />
asp101 has all of the basic components to get you going.<br />
<br />
keep us updated on your progress :)<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->