I'm looking for a certain kind of dropdown menu. The one that automatically drops down the links when you hover the cursor over an image.
I've found a few, but the ones I've found want you to upload a few .js files to your server in order for them to work. My question is, is there any script like this that you don't need to upload .js files? I mean one that's simply coding.
Problem is my host won't upload the .js files. And if I don't get my hands on this script, I've got to scrap an entire design I did.
That'll teach me to build a design before covering all the bases... Heh.
If anyone has any ideas, feel free to shout something out.
Thanks bunches.
I've found a few, but the ones I've found want you to upload a few .js files to your server in order for them to work. My question is, is there any script like this that you don't need to upload .js files? I mean one that's simply coding.
Problem is my host won't upload the .js files. And if I don't get my hands on this script, I've got to scrap an entire design I did.
That'll teach me to build a design before covering all the bases... Heh.
If anyone has any ideas, feel free to shout something out.
Thanks bunches.