Maxlength in TextArea


Is there the equivalent of the Maxlength attribute in a text input tag for the Textarea tag?<br />
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Thanks for any help.<br />
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FG<!--content-->No.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f-TEXTAREA</a><!-- m --><br />
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But you could use eg JavaScript to trim it if it gets too long before submitting.<br />
Even better (ie always working) would be to trim it server side.<!--content-->Thanks Stefan<br />
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As it is a fairly complex Database system I need to let the client know that he is running out of space. I will look into trapping the keypress event in the text area and throwing a wobbly if they go over the limit.<br />
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FG<!--content-->Stefan is right. The Maxlength attribute will not work even if you try it.<!--content-->