Wasn't real sure where to post this one...
My webhost currently has the server my site is hosted on at 500 maximum MySQL connections. Could this eventually pose as a problem?
I intend on my site being very big and have lots of traffic.use mmysql_pconnect instead. this will allow you to use connections already established. 500 is alot so no worries.I do use mysql_pconnect
How exactly is the max number of connections figured out? I mean, i guess, what is a mysql connection.any time you connect to it, like select db or pconnect. I think, don't quote me on it. Boxedart.com doesn't use 500 at a time and they get a lot of hits a day, so you should be ok.You think it's the number of open connections at one given time?
Thanks, I'm sure my host will change the number if I ask them anyway.
My webhost currently has the server my site is hosted on at 500 maximum MySQL connections. Could this eventually pose as a problem?
I intend on my site being very big and have lots of traffic.use mmysql_pconnect instead. this will allow you to use connections already established. 500 is alot so no worries.I do use mysql_pconnect
How exactly is the max number of connections figured out? I mean, i guess, what is a mysql connection.any time you connect to it, like select db or pconnect. I think, don't quote me on it. Boxedart.com doesn't use 500 at a time and they get a lot of hits a day, so you should be ok.You think it's the number of open connections at one given time?
Thanks, I'm sure my host will change the number if I ask them anyway.