matching textbox value from data in gridview using javascript


New Member
i want to match the values written in my textbox from the existing values of the gridview. I have done this on server side using following function\[code\]protected void isRecordAlreadyExist(TextBox txt_Value, int res){ ds_main = new DataSet(); paramArray = new string[3, 2]; paramArray[0, 0] = "@KeyWinCountNumber"; paramArray[0, 1] = txtkeyWinCount.Text.Trim(); paramArray[1, 0] = "@ContractNumber"; paramArray[1, 1] = txtContractNum.Text.Trim(); paramArray[2, 0] = "`"; obj = new DalLib(); ds_main = obj.getDataSet("sp_tbl_Contract_MatchValues", paramArray); gvContract.DataSource = ds_main.Tables[res]; if (ds_main.Tables[res].Rows.Count > 0) { mtvResult.ActiveViewIndex = 3; btnSubmit.Enabled = false; } else { btnSubmit.Enabled = true; }}protected void txtkeyWinCount_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtkeyWinCount.Text)) { isRecordAlreadyExist(txtkeyWinCount, 0); } else { mtvResult.ActiveViewIndex = -1; }}\[/code\]but i also want to match the value of the textbox from the gridview data on client side using can i do this? any help would be appreciated.