masking code<


Ok, I don't know if it's PHP that does this or not, but since it was a php page that I saw it on, I figured that this is where I should start. I don't even want to do this, I am just beyond curious as to how it's done. Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and click the clock in the upper left to view the clock. Now what this site does, is every minute it changes to picture to a new picture of someone holding a sign that has the time writen on it. Now, rt click, and choose view source. All it says is that there is no code, and it tells you a lame joke, like:
q: What did one elevator say to the other?
a: I think I am coming down with something!

Anyway, like I said, I have no need for this, but HOW did he do it?

Aaronhuh? I see the source.nm, must be some sort of MS thing...I can see the code in NS, and mozilla, but not in IE

Aaronyou can view the source, the only thing masked is the image URL's so people cant hotlink them, all the names are md5'd to hide their true identity