I have a question about SQL and using update.
I know how to add to an int. e.x.
update tablename set number = (number + 5)
I know this will update and add 5 to all values i the field number.
My question is, how do I do this when I want to add to a string?
If the field 'word' contains "hello" and I would like to add " world". How would my sql-string look like then?
In other words, I'm seeking the correct version of the following sql-statement:
update tablename set word = (word + " world")
I have a question about SQL and using update.
I know how to add to an int. e.x.
update tablename set number = (number + 5)
I know this will update and add 5 to all values i the field number.
My question is, how do I do this when I want to add to a string?
If the field 'word' contains "hello" and I would like to add " world". How would my sql-string look like then?
In other words, I'm seeking the correct version of the following sql-statement:
update tablename set word = (word + " world")