Marquee HTML Script


Does anyone know how I can add a Marquee tag to an Email Message?<!--content-->That depends on if your email service supports HTML. If it does, than just use the normal HTML code:<br />
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<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" loop="infinite" scrollamount="200" scrolldelay="0">Scrolling text</marquee><!--content-->hi,<br />
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i have been looking up simmilar things to do with javascript html etc. in E-mails and, as far as i can find out nearly all of the E-mail supplyers said that at default yes, you should be able to send html etc. in E-mails but, people can and do turn "active scripting" off.<!--content-->Marquee and blink are very distracting. The same emphasis can be conveyed much more effectively by using subtle mean: different color/font. Avoid the use of marquee. Especially in emails as email clients are less "developed" (and more "diverse") than HTML browsers.<!--content-->