Markup error on some tags in a structure generated inside a loop


New Member
I'm having a problem, better said a bug, in an XML structure generated in a while loop with PHP.This is the PHP code that I use to access my DB and generate an XML with the retrieved information (also, I define the content-type as text/xml before):\[code\]<?php include("basededatos.php"); $query = mysql_query("SELECT tipo,nombre,direccion,telefono,dias_habiles,sabados,domingos,coordenadas FROM iglesias"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) : ?><iglesia cords="<?php echo $row["coordenadas"]; ?>" tipo="<?php echo utf8_encode($row["tipo"]); ?>"> <nombre><?php echo utf8_encode($row["nombre"]); ?></nombre> <direccion><?php if($row["direccion"]==""){echo "Direcci