Manupulate Google Analytic data


New Member
I able to fetch data from google analytic api.How I get combination of data like country wise page visit.I try:\[code\] var query1 = asv.Data.Ga.Get("ga:xxxxxxxx", startDate, endDate, "ga:pageviews,ga:country"); query1.Metrics = "ga:country";//Gives error(can not be assigned to -- it is read only.) query1.Dimensions = "ga:country"; query1.Sort = "ga:country,ga:pageviews"; query1.StartIndex = 1; var report1 = query1.Fetch();\[/code\]I want to fetch record and bind in a grid.Where is my mistake.If I comment that line
\[code\]query1.Fetch();\[/code\] gives error means unable to get record.When I use \[code\]var request = asv.Data.Ga.Get("ga:xxxxxxxx", startDate, endDate, "ga:visits,ga:pageviews,ga:bounces");\[/code\]Its successfully get a record.Thanks.