Manual Surf hits exchange :: Good or bad?


New Member
I've been thinking of joining one of the manual surf program and to increase links to some of my domain names that are for sale. I would like your opinion on this kind of traffic and i do aware that this exchange traffic has little quality however what i would be interested to know is, will the search engine penalised a website for joining this kind of program? Is there any effect to the site's ranks in search engine result?Thanks.Can you explain your program in detail. it's not my program.. i'm thinking of joining manual surf exchange. It does work like autosurf site except everytime the timer (around 10secs per site) goes off you need to click on random no. and then it'll rotate another website. All this website is other members site. This kind of traffic does not (mostly) have any conversion value meaning there does not lead to sales (i have nothing to sell in the site either). Thus you'll receive inflated traffic will all less than 10secs for example like thousands per day but depend on your credit you collected. You can collect your credit by surfing other site also. What do you think about this program? Is this kind of program worth to join in? or not? thanks in advance.actually i joining in more than 10 manual surf and auto surf, but im not sure there are a good solution to earn traffic , because 5 or 10% see the pages in these programs i think, right now i been searching for link exchanges to my web, its better for you because increment your page rank and can have better results in search engines like google and yahoo! YES manual exchanges totally work! I run a great manual traffic neighborhood..and at least from my own experiences (I use SEVERAL OTHERS TOO) they DO work! I get several signups and sales daily , which I completely attribute to 2 things, the QUALITY of my pages, and the fact that REAL PEOPLE are looking at them. Manual traffic websites are NOT like autosurf ones. A good manual exchange helps everyone. I look at your website, (which I HAVE bought stuff from) and you then look at mine. This very simple premise is for those websites that are small and simply want to get the message out. CHEAP! Now, with that said I have also BOUGHT traffic with ClickVoyager, and Smileytraffic, and Trafficswarm too! Those are also GREAT websites too that I HIGHLY recommend. Check them out.I would forgo the autosurf for traffic i was using it for a couple of days, but when i look at my stats all the autosurf viewers dont even spend time looking at your site since they just want to surf and get paid...i have some 500 views and not one view my site longer then 1sec.. I also know because that autosurf company i'm in i just surf my 25 pages and thats it dont even look at the websites.... However its up to you....just my thoughtsrobautosurf programmes = pointless because there isn't anyone viewing just a programme running. All it does it give you more page hits, 0% in terms of real traffic. It is also frowned upon by google as a means of artificially boosting your traffic ... so I would say avoid autosurf programmes altogether.manual surf programmes = almost pointless because unless you are selling a product that captures someones eye then it will bring little to no rewards. It is also again frowned upon by google so I would advise not using them.I liked the effect manual exchanges had on my site so much that I bought the script for one and now run my own. It definately boosts your ranking as it bring in live unique visitors. BUT Google Adwords does not allow ANY artificial boosting of traffic and will close your account sometimes. Especially if your click through rate goes through the roof. - free manual traffic exchange - free webmaster tools - new webmaster forumI am a little bit confused on how the whole manual surfing thing works... Can somebody explain the system to me? Thanks :]Your goal is quality traffic, Not quantity.You want people who are going to look round and bookmark you, Not people who are going to close the browser after realising they have absolutely no interest in what your site is about.meman wrote: