You have created a great site. I have learned a lot about PHP from this site. Now I thought I would repay it. The best way I could figure out was to write article for phpbuilder.com. It is also my dream that my article get featured on phpbuilder.com
So I have written an article on How to use Text file as a database. I am storing Name, Email and description in a text file and I have written a search engine to retrieve the records.
Check it out. I am sure you will not be disappointed. It is on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bythailand.com/saif/managedb.htm">http://bythailand.com/saif/managedb.htm</a><!-- m -->
Saif Slatewala
You have created a great site. I have learned a lot about PHP from this site. Now I thought I would repay it. The best way I could figure out was to write article for phpbuilder.com. It is also my dream that my article get featured on phpbuilder.com
So I have written an article on How to use Text file as a database. I am storing Name, Email and description in a text file and I have written a search engine to retrieve the records.
Check it out. I am sure you will not be disappointed. It is on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bythailand.com/saif/managedb.htm">http://bythailand.com/saif/managedb.htm</a><!-- m -->
Saif Slatewala