Mambo Vs Mambo Lite


Hi, I'm looking at building a cms-driven site, and was wondering about Mambo Lite. I know it's been said before that Mambo can become a "resource hog" if it's a heavy-traffic site, but what about Mambo Lite? Does anyone know? I would like to use it but do not want to get my account suspended for heavy resource usage. Thanks!<!--content-->
I should note, it's called "Limbo" and not Mambo Lite. Sorry for the confusion.<!--content-->
Along with Limbo, how about PHP-Fusion? Anyone have any experience with either? I'm looking for something that is neat, clean, scalable, and isn't a resource hog.<!--content-->
I've played around with Limbo quite a bit and really wanted to use it. However I found it has quite a few bugs in it. Also there is a lack of modules,components and limbots. And I didn't find the community there all that great, (just my feeling) But it you want it to just post news or articles it may suit your needs.<br /><br />Greg<!--content-->
Well here, I'm putting together a "gas price watch" website. It could be just a simple phpBB install in the site root, however I wanted to be able to do a little more in the future than just forum posts, so I figured a cms would be good (and one that includes built-in forum). I've been playing around with php-fusion in my "test area" of my site, and I'm growing to like it <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Take a look at <a href="" target="_blank">WebSite Baker</a>.<br /><br />It's a simple CMS.<!--content-->
Ok, So I'm installing Website Baker in a public_html/wb/ directory. I'm going to create a redirect so that users who hit the root directory of my website are taken to the /wb/ directory.<br /><br />I have two parked pages that I also want to redirect to this page. Do I have to create redirects for all three domains, or will one redirect take care of all three?<!--content-->
Bruce, thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it more, but right now it appears baker is not so useful (then again in all fairness I've only given it 20 mins). I say that because I can't seem to figure it out, then again I'm not myself today. I'm going to go get lunch now and I'll try again after lunch. For right now though, I think php-fusion is winning me over.<!--content-->
I started redoing my site in WB a couple of weeks ago and then got busy and haven't been back to it. But I like it so far.<br /><br />Paul, I'm not sure how to do the redirects for your parked domains. Have you tried accessing it with one of the parked domain names making the single change? If that doesn't work, you could always create a blank index page that redirects to the /wb folder.<!--content-->
You know I did a test install of SimpleMachines Forum, and I rather like it <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> perhaps I could build out my site to use that. I'm still working on it.<!--content-->